I've been thoroughly sated on the crafty book front in the past couple of months. My Secret Santa gift off Sheldon in the office (everyone fessed up who had bought what about 5 minutes after everyone had opened their gifts) was a fantastic book called
Knitted Icons, which clearly comes from the mind of a twisted genius. It is surely enough of a reason even for me to dust down my much maligned knitting needles - even if it's just so I can make the knitted Gandhi.

Crochet Me book was sent into the Shiny offices for the
Crafty Crafty team, so I've commandeered it and promised to write up a review. But since all my craft-related possessions are in storage, I haven't had a chance to do much more than pore longingly over the pages and read the biogs of the craftsters.

And, finally, my first issue of
Craft magazine has arrived and I've been carrying it everywhere with me, and lovingly leafing through it whenever a spare moment appears. I'm not actually sure it has much in it that I'll ever even think about making, but it's been so beautifully designed, laid out and published, that it's just a lovely thing to hold in your hand. After years of working in magazines I thought my love for them had entirely gone, but this little publication has reminded me how great it is when you find a mag that makes you want to join its club (which is the key to any good magazine).

Not entirely crafty, but one of those great "inspiration" books, nonetheless, "
Recycled Home" was in my pile of Christmas presents this year, and it's already driven me to give an old table a bit of a makeover. Since I was going to throw it away or flog it, I'm now feeling all good inside about my recycling job. I wish I'd taken "before" shots so I could put up a post about it's transformation, but I didn't think about it for some reason.
Anyway, I think it's fair to say that I'm booked up to the eyeballs for the time being!